In the last post, we defined convergence of an MCMC sampling algorithm via the total variation distance of the $n$-step distribution $p^n_s$ to the target distribution $\pi$. More specifically, the MCMC algorithm converges to the target distribution, if $d_{TV}(p^n_s, \pi)$ converges to $0$ for $n \to \infty$ for each $s$ in our finite state space $S$. In this post, we will talk more about mixing times and motivate their study. It is mainly inspired by these lecture notes by Alistair Sinclair.

Mixing times

The speed of convergence can conveniently be quantified by a single number, the mixing time, $\tau_{mix}$.

However, we first need to define a function $\tau : \mathbb{R_{+}} \to \mathbb{N}$ , which we will call $\epsilon$-mixing time as follows: $$ \tau(\epsilon) := \min \{ N \in \mathbb{N} \mid d_{TV}( p^n_s, \pi ) \leq \epsilon, \forall n \geq N, \forall s \in S \} $$ In natural language we could say, that $\tau(\epsilon)$ tells us the minimal number of steps after which the $n$-step distribution is closer than $\epsilon$ to the target distribution - whatever initial state $s$ we are choosing.

Now, there is a neat lemma which prepares a subsequent definition:

According to the lecture notes, for a convergent MCMC sampling algorithm and for $\epsilon < \frac{1}{2}$, we have $$ \tau(\epsilon) \leq \tau \left( \frac{1}{2e} \right) \cdot \lceil \log(\epsilon^{-1}) \rceil. $$ Hence, defining $\tau_{mix} := \tau \left( \frac{1}{2e} \right)$, we have the elegant bound: $$ \tau(\epsilon) \leq \tau_{mix} \cdot \lceil \log(\epsilon^{-1}) \rceil. $$


Many techniques have been developed, in order to prove upper bounds on mixing times for a given MCMC algorithm and I hope that in the future I’ll be able to apply some of these techniques successfully to my original problem of uniformly sampling simple, connected and non-isomorphic graphs on a fixed number of vertices.